An American Depositary Receipt (“ADR”) is a US dollar denominated security which allows US investors to indirectly hold and trade shares on securities market in the United States.

Danone maintains a sponsored Level 1 program of ADRs which are traded over-the-counter through the OTCQX platform under the symbol DANOY; each ADR represents one-fifth of a DANONE share. OTCQX is an information platform representing over 300 international groups and enabling them to access U.S. investors while guaranteeing price transparency.

ADRs Outstanding as a % of Total Shares Outstanding
(Data as of December 31, 2023)

  • Ticker: DANOY
  • CUSIP Number: 23636T100
  • Exchange: OTC QX 
  • Ratio (ADR: ord) : 5:1
  • Depositary Bank: J.P. Morgan
  • ADR Depositary Bank contact: Dale McComb
        +1 212 552 8944 /