Market places videos

Utrecht visit video

Science and Innovation site-visit, May 2023 

Danone hosted a sell-side site-visit focused on Science and Innovation
on Tuesday May 16th, 2023, in Saclay.

  • Presentations

    The record of the presentations is available here.

Capital Market Event, March 2022 

Danone organized its Capital Market Event on Tuesday March 8th, 2022.
The event was hosted by Gilles Schnepp, Chairman, and Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO, along with other members of Danone's senior management team.
The event was recorded and the replay is accessible here.

Investor Update, November 2020

November 23rd, 2020

  • Transcript

London, October 2018

October 22nd, 2018

Evian, May 2017

Evian, May 2015