Alimentando el Cambio – The change starts early

‘Alimentando el Cambio’ is an initiative born from the partnership of Danone and Ashoka Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training. The aim of the initiative is to join forces with all those public and/or private entities that want to advance towards a revolution in nutrition from the base, empowering new generations to become agents of change.

Alpro almond cultivation

‘Alimentando el Cambio’ empowers children to make conscious decisions about their health, providing them with the information they need to choose for themselves among the healthiest and most sustainable food options. With a special focus on the origin of food, ‘Alimentando el Cambio’ shows that standardizing these principles at an early age is key to ensuring that children have information about what they eat and drink, are aware of the impact that food has on their development and can make the healthiest choices.

Schools as engines of change

Both FAO and WHO recognize the relevance of nutrition education in schools, but even so, in Spain, knowing how to eat is not part of the school curriculum. And although there are food-related initiatives in some schools, these tend to be ad hoc and do not usually have continuity.


To this end, the Trilema Foundation is developing a pedagogical program for infant and primary education called FLUYE: Happy and Healthy Kids (FLUYE: Niños felices y sanos). This program aims to implement the subject of "Well-being and Food" in Spanish classrooms and provide training in nutrition to schools, teachers and canteen monitors, in order to generate a change in children's eating habits on a large scale and sustainable over time.


The pilot test of the program will take place during the current school year in 15 schools nationwide, with more than 7,500 students involved, 220 teachers and 100 canteen monitors, working directly in the classrooms through comprehensive projects. The ambition of the program is to impact 50% of primary schools in Spain and reach almost 2.3 million children. 


If you need more information about Alimentando el cambio, please click here: