Chief Executive Officer of SGS
Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee
French nationality
First appointed to the Board: 2022 Shareholders' Meeting
End of term: 2028 Shareholders' Meeting (a)
DANONE shares: 2,000
Board of Directors
For more information, please refer to the Universal Registration Document
Chief Executive Officer of SGS
Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee
French nationality
First appointed to the Board: 2022 Shareholders' Meeting
End of term: 2028 Shareholders' Meeting (a)
DANONE shares: 2,000
With an MBA from the Superior Business School of Reims, Géraldine PICAUD started her career in 1992 as an auditor with Arthur Andersen. In 1994, she joined the French specialty chemicals group Safic Alcan group as Head of Company Controlling and became Chief Financial Officer in 2002. In 2007, she joined ED&F Man, an ingredient and commodity company notably specializing in agricultural products, coffee, sugar and animal feed, first in London as Head of Corporate Finance, responsible for M&A, then in Switzerland as Chief Financial Officer of Vocalfe Holdings, the group’s coffee business. In 2011, she was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Essilor International, a CAC 40-listed company, world leader in ophthalmic optics. Between 2018 and 2023, she was Chief Financial Officer of Holcim (formerly LafargeHolcim) and a member of its Executive Committee. On December 1, 2023, she joined the SGS Group, world leader in testing, inspection and certification, as Chief Financial Officer before taking up the position of Chief Executive Officer of the group from March 26, 2024.
(a) Subject to renewal of her term of office by the Shareholder’s Meeting of April 24, 2025.
The information above is taken from Géraline Picaud's biography on page 402 of the Universal Registration Document 2024.