Henri Bruxelles

Chief Sustainability and Strategic Business Development Officer

Business address: 17, boulevard Haussmann - 75009 PARIS - France

Main function: Chief Sustainability and Stragegic Business Development Officer

Arrived at Danone : 1987

Personal background – Experience and expertise

Henri Bruxelles started his career at Danone in 1987 where he had several assignments in Marketing in Germany, France, Spain and Brazil as VP Marketing in 1998. 

In 2002, he became VP Marketing of Danone France. 

In 2004, he was assigned SVP Marketing of the Dairy division. 

Then in 2008, he took the responsibility of Chief Marketing Officer of Danone Company. 

In 2010, he was appointed General Manager of Danone Portugal and, in 2013, General Manager of Danone Argentina. 

In 2015, he became Regional Vice President Waters Latam. 

In October 2017, he joined the Executive Committee as EVP Waters & Africa Strategic Business Unit. 

In November 2020, he was promoted as Chief Operating Officer End-to-End Design to Delivery.

As of January 2022, he has been appointed Chief Sustainability and Strategic Business Development Officer