Social Innovation Funds
Danone’s signature 'One Planet. One Health' reflects our vision that the health of people and the health of the planet are interconnected. We want to support people in adopting healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices, and we want to do this in a way that is aligned with our long term commitment to economic success and social progress.
Our social innovation funds - The Danone Ecosystem, Danone Communities and the Livelihoods Funds – do just that, as they are pioneering ways to be more inclusive while creating value for Danone and foster our commitment Danone 2030 towards Inclusive Growth:
- As they strengthen the ecosystem while finding solutions to the planet's current challenges (poverty, environmental degradation, climate change, access to water, nutrition…)
- As they generate innovative social business models for more inclusions and sustainable social impact
- As they reinvent our relationship to key stakeholders, thanks to new means of collaboration and co-creation
Danone Ecosystem catalyzes and develops projects that advance the public interest in ecosystems where Danone operates. Since 2009, we have co-created disruptive business models that strengthen inclusion and environmental sustainability, providing organizational know-how, technical expertise and financing support. Projects developed by Danone Ecosystem respond to local challenges linked to sustainable sourcing and regenerative agriculture; microdistribution; circular economy; and promotion of healthy drinking and eating habits at key stages of life: First 1000 days, school-aged children and aging well!