• Press release
3 min time reading

Danone further progresses on Board renewal with two additions

  • Corporate news

Danone is pleased to announce that two senior leaders have been co-opted to join the Board of Directors as independent members:

  • Gilbert Ghostine, currently Chief Executive Officer of Firmenich;
  • Lise Kingo, former Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact.

Gilbert Ghostine and Lise Kingo will join Danone’s Board of Directors from October 15th and December 1st respectively. They will replace Guido Barilla, who decided to step down from the Board by anticipation, and Cécile Cabanis, who left the Board on June 30th.

Gilles Schnepp, Chairman of the Board said:

“First, I would like, on behalf of the entire Board, to warmly thank Guido Barilla for his active and constant involvement in the Board’s work since 2018. His undisputed business acumen and experience in the Consumer Goods sector, as well as his remarkable integrity and wisdom, have been an undeniable added value to Danone. The addition of Gilbert Ghostine and Lise Kingo marks another milestone in the renewal of Danone’s Board of Directors. With their experience in senior leadership roles and expertise in Consumer Goods, Health, Nutrition and Sustainability, they will support us in the implementation of the Renew Danone strategy. I would like to thank them for accepting to join the Board and look forward to working with them.”