- Press release
Danone and NGOs ClientEarth, Surfrider Foundation Europe and Zero Waste France end the legal proceedings concerning Danone’s vigilance plan regarding plastic
- Corporate news
Following the mediation process ordered by the Judicial Court of Paris before which the three NGOs had brought legal proceedings against Danone on January 9, 2023, an agreement between the parties has been reached to end the proceedings concerning Danone’s vigilance plan.
This agreement involves reinforcing the vigilance plan, which now gives a more detailed description of the consequences of the use of plastic packaging and sets out in detail all the actions that Danone is implementing in this respect (such as reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering plastic packaging), in line with the objectives defined in relation to its status as a Société à Mission.
Danone is delighted to have taken part in an open and transparent discussion with the three NGOs and emphasizes how the dialogue has been beneficial and conducive to tackling the complex challenges that require a uniting of all the actors’ and stakeholders’ strengths.
Danone will continue to act with determination to encourage collective mobilization of all players, both private - and public - sector, without whom it is impossible to remove the systemic obstacles (technical, regulatory, financial, etc.) that are holding back the emergence of a circular economy.