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Danone partners with digital oncology company Resilience for better nutritional care for patients with cancer

  • Corporate news
  • Research shows over 80% of patients with cancer consider nutrition has an important role during treatment and recovery, yet patient access to nutrition information and support is varied1.
  • Danone and Resilience partnered to develop the first of its kind nutrition and oncology module that is now integrated in Resilience’s digital oncology solution.
  • The module helps to tackle cancer-related malnutrition, which affects up to 70% of patients with cancer2.

Nutrition information and support during cancer care

According to a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by Danone, 64% of patients with cancer in Europe report nutritional problems that include loss of appetite, dry mouth, and nausea3. These symptoms often lead to weight loss and malnutrition, disrupting treatment plans, and affecting overall quality of life, recovery, and treatment outcomes.

83% of patients deem nutrition an essential topic for their medical care, yet many struggle to identify where to look for advice when they experience eating problems or lose weight. The survey also shows that access to nutritional information during treatment remains irregular. One in four patients say they have not received help or advice in this area, while many do their own research on nutrition. It is crucial to ensure patients have access to credible and timely nutrition advice to support their treatment outcomes.

A partnership at the intersection of digital health and nutrition

Danone is proud to announce a new partnership with Resilience for the development of a nutrition support module for patients with cancer that is now integrated in the Resilience digital oncology solution.

Resilience is a remote patient care solution. Through its platform used by healthcare professionals and its mobile application dedicated to patients with cancer, Resilience combines patient monitoring and tools to help manage treatment-related side effects in a comprehensive solution. Its remote monitoring medical device is now recognized by the French health authorities for all adult patients undergoing systemic cancer treatment. Danone is committed to bringing health through food to as many as possible, also during critical times in life. As a longstanding pioneer in medical nutrition, the company collaborates with healthcare professionals, patient associations and other partners, so that nutrition becomes an integral part of healthcare.

This partnership combines Danone’s expertise about the role of nutrition during illness and health with Resilience’s ability to reinvent patient care and drive the digital healthcare transition. As part of this partnership, Danone’s researchers and medical experts shared findings from peer-reviewed clinical research, and scientific literature and other resources on nutrition during cancer.

Katrien van Laere, Senior VP R&I and Medical Nutritional Science for Danone comments on the partnership: “We are proud to partner with Resilience and share all we have learnt over the years about the role of nutrition in cancer. With partnerships like these we hope to contribute to patient wellbeing and better outcomes for everyone impacted by cancer every day. We are excited Resilience is expanding its digital oncology solutions with evidence-based nutrition modules and screening tools.”

Ipsos European Oncology Patient Survey, 2023. Data on file.
2 Ryan AM, et al. Nutrition. 2019 ; 67-68 : 110539.
3 Ipsos European Oncology Patient Survey, 2023. Data on file.