Responsible communication



We engage with consumers, patients, carers, and stakeholders across society in a transparent way to encourage and promote a positive attitude towards nutrition and healthier dietary habits. We do so by supporting healthier choices through responsible communication with our stakeholders.

  • Marketing:  We strongly believe in harnessing the power of brand and product communications to make healthy products desirable and drive healthy choices.  By implementing responsible marketing practices, we ensure we are not only engaging with our consumers, but also having a positive impact on them and the community by contributing  to the promotion of better choices and better nutrition. In 2024, we further enhanced our commitment to responsible marketing by enhancing our Marketing to Children Policy  with stricter principles in our marketing communications to children. We are also committed to comply with the International Chamber of Commerce Framework for Responsible Food and Beverage Marketing Communications in all our communications. 
  • Claims: All Danone health and nutrition claims are based on scientific evidence and must comply with the local nutrition and health claims regulations or the CODEX Alimentarius standards whichever are the strictest. Furthermore, we only make nutrition and health claims on products that score ≥2.5 stars by the Health Star Rating (HSR). This criterion is also closely monitored during new products development. 

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